Thursday, August 22, 2013

22 de Agosto, o dia dele.

Como assim 30 anos? 
Ele era um garoto quando vi pela primeira vez,gostei e casei. Hoje é um homem,pai,esposo,bem sucedido que Deus separou para mim desde quando estava no ventre da tia Lucy (minha sogrinha).
"Obrigada por ter nascido...(risos). Obrigada por ter crescido para poder casar comigo e especialmente crescido espiritualmente para podermos servir a Deus juntos e também profissionalmente para podermos formar uma família e construirmos sonhos juntos. 
Sou feliz...,com Jesus...e com você."

Blessed birthday amor! 

Sua linda, e mini lindo
Naiara e Nicolas

Monday, July 8, 2013

Introducing NICOLAS

This is Nicolas Gomes, our gift from above

Last time I posted something here I was still preggo...this handsome prince was born on March 26 of this year.
We are thrilled, happy, now understand a bit of God's love for that we have a son.

So...I just wanted to pass by and introduce him to you.
And for now on, we will pass by to update the blog...we have a lot of things to share...just a lack of time for now...but we will work on it.

God bless you!


Monday, March 4, 2013

The Narrow Way

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat: 
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth onto life, and FEW there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14
Dear YOU!
The many or the few, where do you fit? Be honest now! If you were to have an interview with Jesus tonight, as Nicodemus did, would Jesus say you were part of the many or part of the few?

Many find religion, many find a system of belief, many find a denominated belonging, many find religious duties and involvement but FEW find the secret place. FEW have the Vine and branch experience.

I did an experiment. In my mind I stood at the back of the church. Not a specific church, but the hundreds of churches I have been in over the years and I asked myself what do I really see. What I Saw for the MOST PART was indifference, sadness, unhappiness, discontentedness, troubled ones, moroseness, no vibrant living faith, broken down ones just hanging on, pretenders, people not safe to talk to, individuals content with their intellectual knowledge for their comfort, angry people, control freaks, false piety, troubled hotheads, pity party individuals, the social gospel click, jealousy, backbiting and the hurting ones.

Then I said, but Lord isn't there 7,000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal? Then I looked again, this time I was not standing in back of the church but in the pulpit. As I looked into their faces, though the numbers were FEW, I saw those who loved God. I saw those who truly came to worship and praise. I saw those who have found freedom, happiness and vibrancy. I saw those whose religion was attractive and drawing. I saw those who had inward peace and rest.

So which category are you going to belong to, the FEW or the MANY?

The challenge for the MANY is to enter in at the strait gate; the strait gate is Jesus Christ. Are you IN Jesus Christ? Seriously now, are you abiding IN Jesus? If you are truly abiding IN the vine, then there will be no animosity in your heart toward your brother or sister, there will be no jealousy or backbiting going on in your relationships, there will be no self-promotion or striving for 1st place, there will be no crucifying of those who do not see it your way, there will be no giving way to unbelief and discontentedness. Why is this? It is because you are no longer the one IN CHARGE. You have truly surrendered ALL to Jesus Christ and depend completely In Him! This is the missing ingredient and FEW there be that find it!

There is a PRICE to finding it. Jesus in His parable of the pearl of great price and the hidden treasure indicated that it was NOT enough to just find the Pearl or the Treasure, we must sell ALL and buy It. Matthew 13:44-46. The Pearl and the treasure represent Jesus. He gave ALL that He might win us and we are to give ALL that we might possess Him.

Honestly now, how many people do you know that truly possess Him? How many people do you know that you can genuinely say are God governed? How many people do you know that you can conscientiously say walk with God? Probably not many, but only a FEW, this then is why the church experience is so flawed, so empty and why so many people leave.

Let's not leave our churches, let us not discard our blessed truths, let us not stop reaching out, but let us truly, practically and daily," Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ," Romans 13:14, and allow Him to be the ONE in our lives, authorize Him to be the ONE in our marriages, permit Him to be the ONE in our families, and in our churches and in our associations with those who see things differently than we do.

When we do, we will not only have entered, "The Narrow Way," but we will have found the real path of life.

This message is provided by Empowered living Ministry

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Agradeco a Deus pela tecnologia

Ha mais ou menos 4 anos tras eu comecei a enviar mensagens matinais (text messages) para algumas pessoas, hoje eu mando para mais ou menos 350 pessoas, aqui nos EUA e tb no Brasil.
Cada manha eh uma msg diferente, algumas tiradas diretamente do nosso manual de vida, a Biblia, outras tiradas de livros que estou lendo no momento, as vezes frases de outras pessoas, pastores, autores, depende do dia. Elas me inspiram primeiro, dai repasso.
Fico feliz porque recebo retorno de quase todos, e testemunhos lindos a cada dia, e isso que me faz prosseguir.
Depois com o tempo eu continuei com o mesmo metodo, mas tb adicionei pedidos de oracao. Ai imagina??!? Sao mais de 350 pessoas orando, muito lindo isso! Mando a msg e na hora as pessoas leem e oram!! Eu agradeco a Deus pela tecnologia!!
Mas hoje eu gostaria de testemunhar de uma das bencaos q recebo a cada dia, logo apos que eu mando a msg matinal...tenho um amigo chamado Daniel Moura, amizade recente mas sei q sera para a vida inteira, guri inteligentissimo e super legal.
Eu tambem mando os "texts msgs " para ele, mas sabe o que ele faz?? Uma reflexao com a meditacao q eu mandei....Fica lindo e a de hoje eu vou compartir com voce.

"Entao as vzs vc acorda diferente, da uma olhada pela janela e o sol nao ta brilhando igual a todos os dias, ai vc tenta lembrar das coisas que te motivam e elas tbm nao surgem efeito, vc quer colocar a culpa em algo e o pior colocar na unica pessoa que te da o real.motivo de.vida, Deus! Nesse dia vc deixa de estudar a biblia de escrever seus pensamentos, mas Deus ta ali, soh olhando! Ai aquele dia passa e como resultado, nenhum resultado! Ai Deus olha pra vc e fala: Ei filho, vc sabe quantos queriam andar, falar, sorrir, pensar, e ate msm ter a sua oportunidade? Entao voce como filho, olha para o PAI com aquela cara de eu entendi a licao, se arrepende! Mas viu, como todo pai Ele sabe que isso pode te acontecer. Acredite e tenha fé, Deus nao tem um plano pra sua vida, Ele tem o MELHOR. Deixe Ele agir e no tempo dEle vc vai ser supreendido!" By Dani Moura

"Nao ponham a sua esperanca nas riquezas...ponham a sua esperanca em Deus,q nos da todas as coisas em grande quantidade p/ o nosso prazer." 1Tim 6:17 Verso que mandei nessa Quinta pela manha.

Naiara Gomes =)
OLA Pessoal! e 2013 CHEGOU!!!!

Long time no see!
So sorry! Mas a correria da vida nos deixa as vezes sem tempo, mas sempre penso em vir aqui postar algo, mas nunca tenho nada preparado em maos.
Hoje alem de me desculpar porque nao tem acento nas palavras...rsrsrsr, tb venho lhe desejar um FELIZ E ABENCOADO 2013!!!
O meu 2013 comecou oootimo! Tivemos companhia de amigos e especialmente familia aqui em casa no Natal e na virada do ano.
E nao sei se contei, mas eu, Naiara Gomes...estou gravida!!de 7 meses ja....acredita??? 29 semanas....pensando bem, realmente, muito tempo que nao escrevo nada aqui...rsrsr
Mas e isso ai, 7 meses, de um menino lindo, chamado Nicolas Pellegrine Gomes, final de Marco ele chegara por ai...a nossa bencao tao esperada e planejada. Deus eh maravilhoso...HE IS AN AWESOME GOD!
Naiara Gomes

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