Do you want to be a prayer Warrior?
So I would recommend you to read the Bible first of course and this book too.
This was a gift from a friend of mine. She always gives really great books. Thanks Tellzinha.
A little taste of "my gift".
A person born into the kingdom of heaven who doesn't pray will not survive for long. The prayers of others may sustain them temporarily, but sooner or later they must begin to pray on their own or their life in Christ will atrophy and disappear.
No one else, no matter how saintly, can have a personal relationship with Jesus for another. each must have a spiritual life that is uniquely their own. A person can pray and not be sincere. With everything there is the possibility of hypocrisy and deception. Just because a person says they pray doesn't prove that their heart is right with God. A person can do good works, give great sermons, and fill important positions in church, and still be a Judas Iscariot.
A true Christian will always feel their emptiness, weakness, and dependence on God; and for this reason they must pray. Because it is through prayer that we express our love for God, sorrow for our sin, and our longing for a holy life.
It could be said that true prayer is always the result of a broken heart. The heart that seeks the Lord with all its strength is the broken heart, and a continued broken heart is a condition for true prayer. It could not be clearer.
Prayerlessness has far-reaching consequences. If a church appears to be dead, it' s because in that church prayer has died. Therefore, if there is to be revival, reformation, and renewal in the church, there must be a revival of prayer in the lives of its members.
I believe with all my heart that the time has come when those who are Christians have to be men and women of prayer.
I'm thankful we have those faithful persons in every church who have answered God's call to pray. I'm thankful of those whom we call PRAYER WARRIORS. If we are to be healthy physically, emotionally, or spiritually, we must not expect others to do for us what we must to for ourselves, and that is develop our won prayer life.
Words of Richard W. O'ffill and some of and mine.
With love
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